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The importance of good sports safety shoes

July 11, 2019

The importance of good sports safety shoes

Safety is not at odds with good clothing, in this case we are talking about sneakers or protective shoes. Nowadays we can find sports safety shoes, if, as you hear it, the classic safety boots of all times (although they are still used) have been forgotten and today there are many workers who have switched to footwear sporty but, in the same way, it maintains the same safety standards as those great boots that we all know.

It is important to use a good quality work safety footwear, since it offers a lot of safety for the worker who uses it, however, there are different types of specific footwear for each type of job (it depends on the function that it must fulfill). For example, a waiter should use non-slip safety shoes, in this case, it is not necessary to have such specific safety shoes, it simply must have some characteristics that avoid slipping and causing major injuries (a fall or slip that seems very simple can be the cause from a variety of injuries that can even be dangerous to a worker's health.)

What injuries can a worker suffer if he does not wear good safety sports shoes?

Electric shock. If the footwear used is not good, nor does it have a good insulator, some workers, such as employees in the electricity or construction sectors, can easily suffer electrical shocks that even, in extreme cases, can end their lives.

Cuts or scrapes. If your work area includes lots of broken glass, sharps-prone construction materials and other materials, and you don't use proper footwear, you may be injured, such as cuts or scrapes. One of the most dangerous cases is when the worker cuts himself with infectious materials that can cause bigger problems in the future.

Burns or contact with chemical materials. Any type of splashing or contact with very hot materials can generate serious burns on our feet. To avoid this type of risk at work, it is recommended to use a protective shoe.

Broken or crushed bones. In construction, fishing and even in field work it is very possible that objects can fall on our feet, for this, strong protective footwear is recommended.

Now, a very interesting fact shows that for a few years now, companies have been providing their workers with the most suitable protective footwear for their tasks, which has resulted in fewer accidents related to jobs requiring more physical effort. with burns, electric shocks and even cuts.

However, in less physically tough professions, certain types of injuries such as slipping or tripping have increased due to the lack of safety sports shoes that can help them take care of these types of injuries. Curious enough, right?

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